
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Art of Sacrifice

Confession time:  earlier this year, I signed my husband and myself up for a 100-150 mile bike ride with our local chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis society.  My desire? To be able to ride with him, and both of us ride with my Dad, who rode 150 miles in the MS Ride for me last year.  How it came across (or even the real motivation behind it)?  Me manipulating my husband to do what I wanted him to do, something I find myself guilty of in a thousand ways - though with God's grace, he is helping me become a better wife.

With that said, it has been stunning to see the commitment and, while he would never call it this, PASSION my husband has developed over the past few months training for this ride.  Even with the immense responsibility he has at work, watching him put his bike on the rack to head out for a training ride with my dad and others, or riding for hours on the stationary bike when it's 175 degrees outside or weather doesn't permit, eating healthier ... all of it creates in me a sense of awe, pride in my husband, profound humility that he, my dad and others would commit to such a grueling endeavor to support those living with MS, and an overwhelming thankfulness that I am not the point of the story.  My husband's desire is to bring glory to God through this ride - and while loving and supporting his wife in the pattern of Jesus loving his bride, the Church, is absolutely God-honoring, as is taking care of his body - it is wonderfully freeing to release my husband from my burdensome expectations and, instead, support and respect him as he pursues Christ.

It's a near certainty that if I say to my husband, "I'm so proud of you!!!" one more time, he may actually crack/explode/spontaneously combust.  Not entirely sure of the psyche behind it, but he just doesn't do all that well with compliments.  So I'll say it on here, and then I don't have to witness the fallout ... I am so, so, so proud of my husband.  Not because he is perfect, but because he is my husband.  And because he is willing to engage the holy discontent that God's Spirit puts in all of our hearts, and strive - through Christ's strength - to run the race with perseverance, whether that means becoming more and more of a servant husband or simply refusing to remain static and instead pursue maturity as a follower of Jesus.

And now comes my shameless plea for your help.  I hoped to be able to ride as well, but it seems that that is no longer a possibility.  There is a link at the bottom of my blog to click on my page for the MS Ride on September 24 & 25, which will soon be changed to a link to Brad's page.  I am also including it here, and making a heartfelt request that you check it out and consider supporting him if you are able.

MS Society - Bike MS Breakaway to the Beach

Even more shamelessly, I ask for your prayers - for Brad and my father's safety during the ride, for our marriage, which is touched by the effects of this disease daily, and for my husband and myself, that we would continue to grow in our love of our Savior and for each other, and that in ALL things our lives would boldly proclaim, TO GOD BE THE GLORY.